
Privacy and cookies

Privacy and cookie statement Shingyo B.V.



The responsible party (the controller) for this privacy statement is:

Shingyo B.V.

Stationsplein 26

6512 AB Nijmegen

The Netherlands


Being transparent about how we, as the controller, proceed the personal data of our customers and visitors to our website is important. In this privacy and cookie statement, we explain how we comply with the newest European privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in Dutch Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) and other applicable laws and regulations, like the ePrivacy Regulation (ePR). In addition, we explain which personal data we collect and use, and for what purpose. We recommend you read this statement carefully. Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions.


Please note: this privacy statement does not apply to website or services of third parties, including hyperlinks to websites of others than Shingyo. Shingyo is not responsible for the privacy policy and the use of cookies on those websites.


Use of personal data

We proceed personal data, which can be related directly or indirectly to natural persons (whether or not provided by the specific natural person). Lawful and careful handling of these personal data is very important. Therefore, these data are proceeded carefully by us. In our processing, we adhere to the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations. That means that:


Safety measures to protect your data

We take organizational and technical measures for protection your personal data. Our database is protected by user name and password. This database is not accessible to unauthorized persons outside the company. We protect our website with an SSL-certificate for safe data processing. Our online payment process is PCI DSS compliant, what means that we use the highest security standards for protecting your privacy.


Personal data we collect and process

We make a distinction between recipients and senders by collecting and processing personal data. We collect and process following data of our clients:



Personal data and third parties

We don’t sell your personal data to another third parties, nor we will use your data for another purposes. We use your personal data just for the purpose as mentioned hereunder.  However, we have to share your personal data with our service partners like the parcel transport companies (like DHL, UPS, GLS, Post NL, TNT Express) for making possible your order. For finance and tax purposes we share your financial data with our accountant, who can use digital software for this service.


Payment service provider (PSP)

We use the services of Mollie for completing for your online order. For this purpose, you have the possibility to pay directly (i.e. via PayPal or iDeal in The Netherlands) or by credit card via this payment service provider. Our payment service provider makes connection with your bank for completing the bank transaction. We don’t have access to your bank account balance. The payment service provider just has to know your name and your IBAN to verify your identity for processing your order.


Purposes of data processing and collecting

We process and collect your personal data for the following purposes:


Retention periods

We store your personal data as long as necessary to complete your order(s) and /or fulfill other described purposes. We store your personal data for a maximum of two years, in accordance with the guidelines of the Dutch government. Your personal data will be deleted after two years, unless the tax retention obligation requires us to keep some of these data for seven years (including name, order and payment data).


Sharing data with government bodies

We can share your personal data with government bodies like the Dutch tax authority (De Belastingdienst), the Justice Department (Justitie) and other competent supervisory authorities to compliance with rules and legislations, and also for investigation and enforcement by government bodies.



A cookie is a small file that stores Internet settings. Almost every website uses cookie technology. It is downloaded by your Internet browser on the first visit to a website. The next time this website is opened with the same user device, the cookie and the information stored in it is either sent back to the website that created it (first-party cookie) or sent to another website it belongs to (third-party cookie). This enables the website to detect that you have opened it previously with this browser and in some cases to vary the displayed content.


Some cookies are extremely useful, as they can improve the user experience on opening a website that you have already visited a number of times. Provided you use the same user device and the same browser as before, cookies remember for example your preferences, how you use a site, and adapt the displayed offerings to be more relevant to your personal interest and needs.


Depending on their function and intended purpose, cookies can be divided into four categories*: essential cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies, cookies for marketing purposes.


Functional cookies

Functional cookies enable a website to save details that have already been provided (e.g. user name, language choices or your location) and offer the user improved, more personal functions. Functional cookies are used, for example, to enable requested functions such as the playback of videos. These cookies collect anonymized information; they cannot track your movement on other websites.


Cookies not requiring consent on this website

Essential cookies, also referred to as “strictly necessary” cookies, ensure functions without which you would not be able to use this website as intended. These cookies are used exclusively by Shingyo and are therefore so-called first-party cookies. They are only stored on your user device during the current browser session. Essential cookies ensure an optimal use of our website. We use Google Tag Manager for this purpose.


When switching sites, for example, such cookies also ensure the functionality of a change from http to https and thus compliance with increased security requirements for data transfer. Last but not least, a cookie such as this also saves your decision with regard to the use of cookies on our website. Your consent is not required for the use of essential cookies. Essential cookies cannot be disabled using the function of this site. In general, you can disable cookies in your browser at any time.


Cookies requiring consent on this website

Cookies that are not essential to be able to use the website in line with the above definition perform important tasks. Without these cookies, functions that enable convenient surfing on our website, such as pre-completed forms, are no longer available. The settings you have made cannot be stored and must therefore be queried anew on each page. Furthermore, we have no possibility to adjust to you with customized offers.


Social Media Cookies:

Social media cookies from third-party providers are set when loading or interacting with the social media plug-ins integrated in Shingyo websites.  Cookies of this type save data anonymously. These data are then used for example to recognize whether users of Shingyo are connected parallel with a social media account, which then allows the uncomplicated sharing of content from Shingyo on social media platforms. Third-party providers then use these data to offer users outside of Shingyo improved functions and individualized contents.


Performance (Analytic) Cookies

Performance cookies collect information on how a website is used – for example which pages a visitor opens most frequently and whether they receive error messages from a page. These cookies do not save any information that permits identification of the user. The collected information will be aggregated and thus will be analyzed in a non-attributable way to a specific person. These cookies are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website and thus the user experience. We use Google Analytics and therefore, Google Analytics cookies for this purpose.


Cookies for marketing purposes

Cookies for marketing purposes are used to extract advertisements that are relevant to specific users and adapted to their interests. They are also used to limit the frequency of appearance of an advertisement and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They register whether you have visited a website or not. This information can be shared with third parties, for example advertisers. Cookies to improve target group contact and advertising are often linked with page functionalities of third parties.


Managing your cookie preferences

You can block and delete cookies by changing your browser settings. To manage cookies, most browsers allow you to refuse or accept all cookies or only to accept certain types of cookie. The process for the management and deletion of cookies can be found in the help function integrated in the browser.


If you wish to limit the use of cookies, you will not be able to use all the interactive functions of our website.


Website we use

This Privacy Policy is applicable to the following Shingyo Websites:


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may modify or update this privacy policy from time to time. If we change this privacy policy, we will notify you of the changes by publishing an updated policy on this website. Where changes to this privacy policy will have a fundamental impact on the nature of the processing or otherwise have a substantial impact on you, we will give you sufficient advance notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise any rights you may have (e.g. to object to the processing).


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us via the contact address


Nijmegen, August 2020

Privacy and cookie statement Shingyo B.V.



The responsible party (the controller) for this privacy statement is:

Shingyo B.V.

Stationsplein 26

6512 AB Nijmegen

The Netherlands


Being transparent about how we, as the controller, proceed the personal data of our customers and visitors to our website is important. In this privacy and cookie statement, we explain how we comply with the newest European privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in Dutch Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) and other applicable laws and regulations, like the ePrivacy Regulation (ePR). In addition, we explain which personal data we collect and use, and for what purpose. We recommend you read this statement carefully. Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions.


Please note: this privacy statement does not apply to website or services of third parties, including hyperlinks to websites of others than Shingyo. Shingyo is not responsible for the privacy policy and the use of cookies on those websites.


Use of personal data

We proceed personal data, which can be related directly or indirectly to natural persons (whether or not provided by the specific natural person). Lawful and careful handling of these personal data is very important. Therefore, these data are proceeded carefully by us. In our processing, we adhere to the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations. That means that:


Safety measures to protect your data

We take organizational and technical measures for protection your personal data. Our database is protected by user name and password. This database is not accessible to unauthorized persons outside the company. We protect our website with an SSL-certificate for safe data processing. Our online payment process is PCI DSS compliant, what means that we use the highest security standards for protecting your privacy.


Personal data we collect and process

We make a distinction between recipients and senders by collecting and processing personal data. We collect and process following data of our clients:



Personal data and third parties

We don’t sell your personal data to another third parties, nor we will use your data for another purposes. We use your personal data just for the purpose as mentioned hereunder.  However, we have to share your personal data with our service partners like the parcel transport companies (like DHL, UPS, GLS, Post NL, TNT Express) for making possible your order. For finance and tax purposes we share your financial data with our accountant, who can use digital software for this service.


Payment service provider (PSP)

We use the services of Mollie for completing for your online order. For this purpose, you have the possibility to pay directly (i.e. via PayPal or iDeal in The Netherlands) or by credit card via this payment service provider. Our payment service provider makes connection with your bank for completing the bank transaction. We don’t have access to your bank account balance. The payment service provider just has to know your name and your IBAN to verify your identity for processing your order.


Purposes of data processing and collecting

We process and collect your personal data for the following purposes:


Retention periods

We store your personal data as long as necessary to complete your order(s) and /or fulfill other described purposes. We store your personal data for a maximum of two years, in accordance with the guidelines of the Dutch government. Your personal data will be deleted after two years, unless the tax retention obligation requires us to keep some of these data for seven years (including name, order and payment data).


Sharing data with government bodies

We can share your personal data with government bodies like the Dutch tax authority (De Belastingdienst), the Justice Department (Justitie) and other competent supervisory authorities to compliance with rules and legislations, and also for investigation and enforcement by government bodies.



A cookie is a small file that stores Internet settings. Almost every website uses cookie technology. It is downloaded by your Internet browser on the first visit to a website. The next time this website is opened with the same user device, the cookie and the information stored in it is either sent back to the website that created it (first-party cookie) or sent to another website it belongs to (third-party cookie). This enables the website to detect that you have opened it previously with this browser and in some cases to vary the displayed content.


Some cookies are extremely useful, as they can improve the user experience on opening a website that you have already visited a number of times. Provided you use the same user device and the same browser as before, cookies remember for example your preferences, how you use a site, and adapt the displayed offerings to be more relevant to your personal interest and needs.


Depending on their function and intended purpose, cookies can be divided into four categories*: essential cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies, cookies for marketing purposes.


Functional cookies

Functional cookies enable a website to save details that have already been provided (e.g. user name, language choices or your location) and offer the user improved, more personal functions. Functional cookies are used, for example, to enable requested functions such as the playback of videos. These cookies collect anonymized information; they cannot track your movement on other websites.


Cookies not requiring consent on this website

Essential cookies, also referred to as “strictly necessary” cookies, ensure functions without which you would not be able to use this website as intended. These cookies are used exclusively by Shingyo and are therefore so-called first-party cookies. They are only stored on your user device during the current browser session. Essential cookies ensure an optimal use of our website. We use Google Tag Manager for this purpose.


When switching sites, for example, such cookies also ensure the functionality of a change from http to https and thus compliance with increased security requirements for data transfer. Last but not least, a cookie such as this also saves your decision with regard to the use of cookies on our website. Your consent is not required for the use of essential cookies. Essential cookies cannot be disabled using the function of this site. In general, you can disable cookies in your browser at any time.


Cookies requiring consent on this website

Cookies that are not essential to be able to use the website in line with the above definition perform important tasks. Without these cookies, functions that enable convenient surfing on our website, such as pre-completed forms, are no longer available. The settings you have made cannot be stored and must therefore be queried anew on each page. Furthermore, we have no possibility to adjust to you with customized offers.


Social Media Cookies:

Social media cookies from third-party providers are set when loading or interacting with the social media plug-ins integrated in Shingyo websites.  Cookies of this type save data anonymously. These data are then used for example to recognize whether users of Shingyo are connected parallel with a social media account, which then allows the uncomplicated sharing of content from Shingyo on social media platforms. Third-party providers then use these data to offer users outside of Shingyo improved functions and individualized contents.


Performance (Analytic) Cookies

Performance cookies collect information on how a website is used – for example which pages a visitor opens most frequently and whether they receive error messages from a page. These cookies do not save any information that permits identification of the user. The collected information will be aggregated and thus will be analyzed in a non-attributable way to a specific person. These cookies are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website and thus the user experience. We use Google Analytics and therefore, Google Analytics cookies for this purpose.


Cookies for marketing purposes

Cookies for marketing purposes are used to extract advertisements that are relevant to specific users and adapted to their interests. They are also used to limit the frequency of appearance of an advertisement and to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They register whether you have visited a website or not. This information can be shared with third parties, for example advertisers. Cookies to improve target group contact and advertising are often linked with page functionalities of third parties.


Managing your cookie preferences

You can block and delete cookies by changing your browser settings. To manage cookies, most browsers allow you to refuse or accept all cookies or only to accept certain types of cookie. The process for the management and deletion of cookies can be found in the help function integrated in the browser.


If you wish to limit the use of cookies, you will not be able to use all the interactive functions of our website.


Website we use

This Privacy Policy is applicable to the following Shingyo Websites:


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may modify or update this privacy policy from time to time. If we change this privacy policy, we will notify you of the changes by publishing an updated policy on this website. Where changes to this privacy policy will have a fundamental impact on the nature of the processing or otherwise have a substantial impact on you, we will give you sufficient advance notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise any rights you may have (e.g. to object to the processing).


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us via the contact address


Nijmegen, August 2020